Gaura Mancacaritadipura is a researcher and author in the fields of culture and literature of Indonesia, Japan, and India. He serves as a consultant, an advisor, and special assistant for several committees and organizations. Among the dozens positions past and current, he has been the Advisor to the Batik Museum Institute since 2007 and a board member of the Indonesian Heritage Cities Network (JKPI) since 2015 while also collaborating with several international organizations on various projects. In addition, he is a member of several teams to nominate cultural elements, accredit NGOs, and electing cities for various UNESCO programs. Gaura has a long history with wayang (traditional Indonesian puppet theatre). He has been studying wayang puppetry and Karawitan music since the late 1990s. He has translated and published over thirty articles, papers, and books related to these and other cultural areas. Given his experience and expertise in a vast number of culture areas, he has served as a cultural expert matters for ministries of culture in Indonesia and has been a member of delegations for several international meetings, especially those related to UNESCO GA and COM meetings.